Diving a bit deeper into the current trends in the automotive industry provides a great opportunity to understand how current developments in the business are having a far-reaching impact on the domain of cybersecurity. With this video course, you’ll learn about the four key megatrends and understand why cybersecurity is becoming absolutely essential to the industry’s entire value chain.

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trends in automotive cyber security
Automotive cybersecurity trends video course

Learn More About the Key Trends in the Automotive Industry Related to Cybersecurity

In one way or another, you have almost certainly heard about the „next big thing“ in the automotive industry. While in many places there is always a lot of speculation, advertising or just baseless conjecture behind the discussion of trends, it is actually quite well possible to give a very concrete description of the transformations that are currently dominating the automotive industry.

This is exactly what this video course attempts to do: the four most important mega-trends, which are currently occupying the entire industry and will do so even more in the future, are broken down here – taking into account the perspective of cybersecurity.

You will first be briefly introduced to the trends before they are presented one after another. The central question here is: To what extent does the respective trend influence the domain of cybersecurity?

From the expansions of the vehicle’s attack surface to the far-reaching changes in the threat landscape to new potential threats, attack and damage scenarios.

Finally, in addition to the four trends presented, other drivers for the indispensable need for cybersecurity in the automotive industry are outlined.

Who our Trends Impacting Automotive Cybersecurity video course is made for

For those curious about the automotive industry

The technological advancements of the automobile have recently attracted widespread interest, not least due to the progress being made in autonomous driving. Beyond that, so much more is happening, on both the small and the large scale. This video course looks at the four most important megatrends, providing interesting insights into their relevance for cybersecurity.

Looking at the trends as an introduction to automotive cybersecurity

When it comes to establishing initial awareness around the growing importance of cybersecurity (and all the challenges that come with it) for the automotive industry, looking at the key megatrends is a great way to do so. Not only learn about the trends, but also understand their impact on cybersecurity.

Trends Impacting Automotive Cybersecurity – Video course content

I. Intro to Trends impacting Cybersecurity

In the first part of the Intro to the Trends impacting Cybersecurity video course, you will get an introduction to what you will specifically learn in this video and why addressing trends in automotive cybersecurity is relevant.

II. Introducing the top four megatrends for the automotive industry

Here we summarize the four key megatrends that are currently dominating the automotive industry.

III. An in-depth look at how the automotive trends pose new challenges

In this most important part of the video course, all megatrends are presented in detail one by one – with a view to their far-reaching implications for cybersecurity. In how far technological developments have which impact on cybersecurity-relevant aspects in automotive development will be explained here.

IV. Further drivers of security in the automotive industry

Of course, the trends outlined above are not the only fields of action that have new and far-reaching effects on the entire value chain. In this short part of the video course you will get an overview of further drivers.

V. Summary and Outro

In this short part, we briefly summarize what you have learned in this course.

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