The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

The automotive industry needs to learn cybersecurity. At full speed. With ISO/SAE 21434 and UN Regulation No. 155, binding standards and regulations are already taking effect. How can automotive cybersecurity be established in practice in the organization, in the development project and in people’s minds? The official documents do not reveal this. That’s the purpose of this book.

Please note: The publication on this website is no longer available. The subsequent publication “ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook” has been released. Click here to order directly.

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Now available: World’s first officially licensed workbook on ISO/SAE 21434:2021

The CYRES Consulting ISO/SAE 21434 Pocket Guide and The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 are followed by the now released ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook, The new publication is designed to simplify practical work with the most important automotive cybersecurity standard and is the first ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook. It will include:

  • all work products (and corresponding requirements, recommendations and permissions) of ISO/SAE 21434:2021 (“First Edition”) – officially licensed by ISO
  • Field-tested templates for key work products, such as TARA, Cybersecurity Plan, Item Definition, CIA, and more
  • Expert interviews, background information, explanations with a practical perspective across the automotive value chain

The workbook is ready for ordering here and is available worldwide as a digital workbook (ebook / PDF).

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Free reading samples of The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 (PDF-Download)

You can get free reading samples from The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 (PDF download) directly into your email inbox.

The Chapter 1. Cybersecurity Awareness (complete chapter, 23 pages) as well as the Subchapter 5.3. Cybersecurity Development, Concept Phase (18 pages) are available for you to choose from – of course free of charge.

Please simply fill out the form below and in a few minutes you will receive the reading samples according to your selection.

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Get started becoming an automotive cybersecurity professional. With this book.

Based on our expertise in automotive cybersecurity consulting, we see: There is an enormous need for knowledge to fully understand the requirements of automotive cybersecurity. In order to be able to start immediately with the implementation in practice, help is needed.

ISO/SAE 21434 Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering, which was officially published end of August 2021 (Read more: ISO/SAE 21434:2021 is now officially published), is the starting point. For OEMs and Tier-N suppliers, the standard provides the basis for a systematic approach to cybersecurity in the automotive industry: at the organizational level, for development projects, for cross-organizational collaboration, for engineering processes, and for individual roles.

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 is the world’s first officially licensed reference book on ISO/SAE 21434:

  • Get an overview of the requirements and work products of the ISO/SAE 21434 (and beyond)
  • Understand the correlations between all dimensions and interdependencies of automotive cybersecurity
  • Have a more in-depth grasp of specific methods and approaches around cybersecurity

This book does so with a strong focus on comprehensibility and a high level of practical relevance. Get a first overview with the Table of Contents:

→ The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 (PDF Download, Table of Contents)

For automotive cybersecurity beginners

For more and more automotive specialists, cybersecurity is becoming a new topic on the agenda. For this, our book is the best possible introduction: Learn about all dimensions and dependencies of automotive cybersecurity to be able to shape the practice of cybersecurity

(e.g. functional safety experts entering cybersecurity).

In-depth understanding of automotive cybersecurity

This book is also a valuable resource for anyone who has only been familiar with the topic of automotive cybersecurity on a limited basis and is currently in the process of gaining a broader overall view

(e.g. project managers who are in the topic at the coordination level but are not yet fully familiar with all disciplines).

For those who are responsible for compliance

For decision makers who have the responsibility to establish applied automotive cybersecurity in the organization in order to comply with the applicable standards and regulations, this book offers a unique opportunity to grasp the big picture

(e.g. for new cybersecurity manager positions that need to ensure compliance to the standards).

Info Boxes

Content overview of the book

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 is not only the world’s first (officially licensed) reference work on ISO/SAE standard 21434 for automotive cybersecurity, but much more: a comprehensive introduction to the topic of automotive cybersecurity from a practical perspective on more than 500 pages.

Through supplementary citations beyond the ISO standard, with practical references and an additional focus on important information, you will receive a cross-linked and holistic overview of this extremely complex topic. You can download the complete table of contents here: → Table of Contents (PDF–Download)

The overview of all chapters

  1. Cybersecurity Awareness
  2. Regulations, Standards, and Initiatives
  3. Automotive Cybersecurity Ecosystem
  4. Cybersecurity Management
  5. Cybersecurity Development
  6. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
  7. Cybersecurity Implementation
  8. Cybersecurity Controls
  9. Cybersecurity Verification and Validation

In addition, you will find the ISO/SAE 21434 Requirements Mapping and the ISO/SAE 21434 Work Product List in the appendix.

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity regulations?

Cybersecurity is a new topic for the automotive industry. The relevant standards and regulations (such as ISO/SAE 21434 or UN Regulations No. 155 / 156) are only now being published, but at the same time they must be applied immediately. This makes it all the more important to establish a comprehensive and holistic understanding of automotive cybersecurity quickly and efficiently. This book is designed to fulfill this requirement. For example, with:

  • Automotive cybersecurity best practices and practical examples to make things more tangible: At all possible points, concrete examples clarify what is meant and what the application might look like
  • High-quality illustration: There are over 100 high-quality illustrations and visualizations in all chapters
  • Extensive background information: In addition to ISO/SAE 21434, for example, other relevant standards and regulations are also considered
  • Highlighted key takeaways: Unlike academic textbooks, this book highlights important information throughout the text

Not only has the expertise of numerous specialists in automotive cybersecurity been included in this reference book. Also, the content has been consistently compiled to ensure a high level of practical relevance, comprehensibility and clarity.

How to challenge automotive cybersecurity
ISO/SAE 21434 Book officially licensed

The book publication Automotive Cybersecurity The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 by CYRES Consulting is covered by the official reproduction permission of ISO, issued by German DIN. All Requirements and Work Products of ISO/SAE 21434 are included (with further information) in the book. (Please note: At present, a publication like this book with excerpts of the officially published ISO/SAE 21434:2021 is not yet possible. Therefore, for licensing reasons, the present book is based on ISO/SAE 21434 DIS. If you have any questions about this, please contact us directly.)

Corporate orders: Equip your team with the world’s first reference book on ISO/SAE 21434

It’s not just the current remote work situation that makes it clear: building and embracing cybersecurity expertise in the automotive industry requires empowered self-learners. We have shipped hundreds of copies of our ISO/SAE 21434 Pocket Guide to home offices on nearly every continent. Our automotive cybersecurity training courses are highly requested, as is our on-demand learning platform.

With this reference book – whose excerpts from ISO/SAE 21434 may not be distributed in digital form for licensing reasons – you equip your organization, your team and your colleagues in the project with a unique opportunity to comprehensively enter the world of automotive cybersecurity. Independent and flexible from day-to-day business, presented in the learner-friendly form of a high-quality reference book.

For orders of 10 copies or more (worldwide shipping), you will receive a company-specific offer based on our quantity price list.

Please send us your non-binding inquiry: Contact CYRES Consulting

Please note: The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 is no longer available for order. Learn more about the upcoming subsequent publication ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook here.

Equip your team
Now available: ISO/SAE 21434 Workbook

Following “The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434”, the “ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook” includes all work products, expert interviews, field tested templates, and more. Officially licensed by ISO.

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Learn platform
Explore the learn platform

Learn Automotive Cybersecurity on-demand: On the new CYRES Academy Online Learn Platform you will find learning video courses along the ACP Framework as well as free video recordings of our info webcasts. Sign up now for free.

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Virtual Live Trainings
Join our Virtual Live Training

Learn what’s next: In 2021 we have had the pleasure to welcome hundreds of participants in our Virtual Live Trainings and to train them online around applied cybersecurity. Here you can find the current ACP Level 1 dates.

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Order “The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434” now. Worldwide shipment, tracking code included.

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434 (Reference Book) + 1x ISO/SAE 21434 Pocket Guide included

89.00 excl. VAT

How can ISO/SAE 21434 be applied in practice in the automotive industry? It is clear that the application of the standard will be mandatory to stay competitive. The standard (which has been officially published end of August 2021) is just beginning to find its way onto the desks of those responsible for cybersecurity in the automotive industry. This makes it all the more important to begin intensive familiarization with the new Automotive Cybersecurity requirements now.

With the big CYRES Consulting ISO/SAE 21434 Reference Book now follows the first interpretation guide to ISO/SAE 21434: On more than 500 pages you will find detailed background information, explanations, classifications and practical guidance to establish cybersecurity in the automotive industry compliant to the new standard. Made for cybersecurity managers, practitioners and anyone who wants a hands-on introduction to the most important standard for cybersecurity in the automotive industry.

Please note: This book is based on ISO/SAE 21434 in the DIS version. The official publication of ISO/SAE 21434:2021 took place after the book was published.


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Essential Guide

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations

Essential Guide

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations