Cybersecurity Engineering Check Up in Vehicle Development

Correct implementation of cybersecurity in every phase of vehicle development requires expertise to fulfill security requirements at the level of individual components, in software, during implementation/integration, and for the entire vehicle. Only then does cybersecurity become a driver for quality in development. With our Cybersecurity Engineering Check-Up, we can support your cybersecurity development projects according to your needs. Please get in touch with us.

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cybersecurity engineering check up

We provide customized cybersecurity support for your engineering and development

As vehicles are becoming more and more connected, the risk of cyberattacks is growing exponentially. OEMs and tier-N suppliers are faced with the mammoth task of not only developing advanced vehicles efficiently along the highest quality requirements, but also adequately considering cybersecurity in development work.

Cybersecurity engineering is becoming a bottleneck. It is necessary to make the required cybersecurity know-how available within one’s own organization and to contribute to development work at full speed. Advanced training and education are aiming in the right direction, but they do not meet the practical requirement that cybersecurity issues are accompanied by enormous time pressure. Regardless of whether resources are simply lacking or an organization is confronted with these tasks for the first time, there is a demand for support to be put in place.

With the offer of the Cybersecurity Engineering Check Up by CYRES Consulting we have created an entry point where we support your development teams with our Cybersecurity Engineering expertise in vehicle development project-specific and cross-project as strategic and/or operational support around Cybersecurity quality. This creates a win-win situation: your internal teams learn without you taking risks for the product.

Cybersecurity for Developers and Engineers

Leverage our expertise to effortlessly integrate cybersecurity into your projects. Without losing sight of the schedule and constraints of your development project. Tailored to software and hardware projects and their required cybersecurity requirements and work products.

Support for Cybersecurity Engineers

Lack of capacity, specialized knowledge just emerging or it’s even your first project with cybersecurity requirements? No problem! Our Cybersecurity Engineering Check Up provides tools and hands-on support to ensure high-quality cybersecurity implementation at the operational level.

Empowering Cybersecurity Managers

Cybersecurity without compromise: With our Cybersecurity Engineering Check Up you ensure that security measures in development work are properly implemented along regulatory requirements (UN R155, ISO/SAE 21434 and others) and at the same time sustainably. Contact us to discuss your situation together.

Project owners, Managers and co.

The holistic fulfillment of cybersecurity requirements in the project, on the engineering level, across projects and along the entire organization is a key lever for successful development work. We put your approach to the test and work on the implementation of the requirements in a practical way.

We are your reliable partner for establishing cybersecurity in challenging development projects

When looking for support for the implementation of all aspects of cybersecurity in development work relating to vehicles/vehicle components, it is always necessary to find the expertise and qualifications required on the one hand and to be able to define appropriate commercial conditions on the other.

For sophisticated development projects, which can involve a large number of work products, a high number of FTEs and a huge project volume, it is essential that you can rely 100% on your partner.

The international consulting teams at CYRES Consulting stand for:

  • Independence and needs-based services: We always offer customised consulting services that are tailored to the project, the teams involved and the given framework conditions – with no ifs or buts.
  • Expertise and quality: Leading OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers entrust us with recurring mandates, underpinning our positioning as automotive cybersecurity experts and our consistent commitment to delivering quality work.
  • Scalability and speed: We are skilled at jumping into projects like a fire brigade, familiarising ourselves quickly and at the same time (thanks to our team size) being able to flexibly adjust staffing levels.
  • Piloting and simplicity: Give us a try! In order to demonstrate our smooth and, above all, uncomplicated way of working, we can usually offer piloting of specific work packages without any problems.

Please send us your enquiry now.

Cybersecurity Engineering Check-UP ("ECU")

Here is a short outline of our Cybersecurity Engineering Services

Full ownership of cybersecurity engineering activities

Full ownership of cybersecurity engineering activities

Our teams of consultants take over the support of your development projects (component, integration to complete vehicle) to drive cybersecurity throughout the development lifecycle. We focus on both strategic/conceptual and operational implementation.

Cybersecurity exchange, advisory and expert coaching

Cybersecurity exchange, advisory and expert coaching

Our experienced experts are available as sparring partners for the sustainable implementation of cybersecurity in engineering. We evaluate your cybersecurity work, provide qualified feedback, and offer further assistance.

Need-based capacity for operational cybersecurity support

Need-based capacity for operational cybersecurity support

We handle the development and assurance of cybersecurity requirements according to ISO/SAE 21434, while task definition, management, and control of related cybersecurity engineering activities remain on the customer’s side.

Validation and Verification consulting, software stack configuration and more

Validation and Verification consulting, software stack configuration and more

We are available on a case-by-case basis for the specific creation and implementation of security concepts and analyses. This way, you benefit from spot-on support and can leverage best practices from numerous comparable customer projects.

The services listed here exemplify the services of CYRES Consulting around our Cybersecurity Engineering Check Up.

With these project-specific services we support you in the most common cybersecurity requirements in everyday automotive development.

Starting with the work products to be created along the ISO/SAE 21434:2021 – from the Item Definition to the implementation of the Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment method to the review of Cybersecurity Concept, Cybersecurity Requirements, etc. – up to the deepening into the respective focus of your development project, integration of AUTOSAR stacks, test strategies, implementation support of specific Cybersecurity Controls and much more.

Cybersecurity Controls Catalogue ISO:SAE 21434 2021 Workbook

Free download: Catalogue for Cybersecurity Controls as PDF (ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook Reading sample)

In order to enable a common ground and be able to implement cybersecurity in practice with ISO/SAE 213434:2021 in mind, support is needed. That’s exactly the purpose of the Cybersecurity Controls Catalogue, part of the ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook, to provide guidance.

Starting from the most important basics of cryptography, we present the common cybersecurity controls (Secure Boot, Secure Communication, Secure Software, Secure Memory, etc.) in detail on about 30 pages. Get a preview of the Cybersecurity Controls Catalogue from the ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Workbook here.

Please simply fill out the form and in a few minutes you will receive the reading samples according to your selection.


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    What cybersecurity engineering support might be relevant to you?

    How to initiate the cybersecurity engineering check up

    Effective cybersecurity for the technological era of the vehicle

    With the Cybersecurity Engineering Check up by CYRES Consulting you lay the foundation for increasing your quality in automotive engineering through sustainable integrated cybersecurity.

    Benefit from the highest possible quality in the implementation of cybersecurity engineering activities with simultaneous efficiency through an external partner at your side. Our state-of-the-art expertise results from our experience in the development and implementation of software and hardware security concepts that meet the requirements of UN R155, ISO/SAE 21434 and beyond.

    Increase your current level of automotive cybersecurity engineering with our field-proven service offering in planning, tracking, updating and releasing cybersecurity activities and work products.

    Based on our project experience with well-known automotive clients from around the world, we find the right level of required cybersecurity activities. In this way, the ubiquitous challenge of cybersecurity becomes an effective driver for the quality of development projects, both on the side of the OEM as well as on the side of the involved suppliers.

    End to end security with your cybersecurity engineering check up

    Please send us your non-binding inquiry here

      Use the Cybersecurity Engineering Check-Up by CYRES Consulting to ensure that cybersecurity requirements do not become an obstacle for your development work around the vehicle. The service offering outlined here is aimed at both OEMs and Tier-N suppliers who holistically implement security measures correctly in distributed development work.

      Please note: The outlined service offering of CYRES Consulting’s Cybersecurity Engineering Check-Up is a non-binding offer for the time being. Please use the form on this website for your first non-binding inquiry. In the following dialog we will present you the concrete scope of services and clarify together with you the organizational details regarding the scope of the check-up and the related services.


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      Essential Guide

      The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

      How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations

      Essential Guide

      The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

      How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations
