
ISO/SAE 21434 Pocket Guide

9.90 excl. VAT

With the officially licensed ISO/SAE 21434 Pocket Guide from CYRES Consulting, you hold the ISO/SAE 21434 Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering in your hands. Designed as a user-friendly reference book, our Pocket Guide serves as a quick introduction to the ISO standard. The modular structure with tabs for all clauses allows quick and easy navigation through the complete ISO standard (which otherwise comes in over 100 pages). The Pocket Guide is produced with the official permission of DIN/ISO and is based on ISO/SAE 21434 in DIS status.

(Please note: Our Pocket Guide is a print product, a digital reproduction is prohibited by the license conditions of DIN/ISO. Therefore, please provide an internationally usable postal address for shipment).

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Essential Guide

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations

Essential Guide

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations