
A look at advantages and disadvantages of lacking details on ISO/SAE 21434

In almost all product developments in the automotive industry, the ISO/SAE 21434 standard (officially published as early as 2021 in the so-called "First Edition") is currently being used worldwide in some extents along the entire value chain and quickly became clear that the standard has deliberately been kept very abstract. But how does this lack of detail and the deliberately... read more →
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Autonomous vehicle cybersecurity considerations at a glance

Autonomous driving. Currently an exciting vision for the masses. Being able to move around on the roads in a vehicle without anyone having to drive. While there are already several such approaches on the roads, in everyday life, autonomous driving is still more of a futuristic topic. For those involved in the value creation processes of automotive development work, however,... read more →
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Automotive cybersecurity training now as on-demand video course

In other industries, cybersecurity knowledge has been readily available for decades, whereas in the automotive industry it is still hard to come by. This current situation only exacerbates the challenge to properly integrate cybersecurity during product development in the vehicle industry as demanded by emerging standards and regulations. Without proper competence management, sufficient cybersecurity awareness, and competence; vehicle security also... read more →
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Why is Security by Design at risk of failing in automotive development?

To be honest, security by design is currently more of an ideal idea than an established working principle in most product development processes across all industries. Especially in the intertwined supply chains of the automotive industry, even the most ambitious OEM quickly realizes: Security-by-Design fails due to the complexity of vehicle development. In this article, we will explore why this... read more →
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The Cybersecurity plan in automotive development according to ISO/SAE 21434: All you need to know

How do you manage the holistic organization of all the things that need to be done in terms of cybersecurity within an automotive development project? A major hub for this is the setting up of the so-called Cybersecurity plan. In this article we want to explain (in addition to our related learning video courses) why the Cybersecurity plan is of... read more →
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Continual Cybersecurity Activities

Continual cybersecurity activities according to ISO/SAE 21434 in the automotive sector: What needs to be done?

With regard to the rapid pace of technological progress in the automotive industry, times are currently dynamic and challenging in terms of cybersecurity aspects. In particular, UN Regulation No. 155, which sets the course for an overarching regulatory framework around cybersecurity, is creating new tasks for ensuring cybersecurity. It not only affects existing processes. It is also necessary to establish... read more →
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Cybersecurity in vehicle production: A general overview

As you already know, cybersecurity at the concept and development stage should already consider cybersecurity activities for the post development phase. Traditionally, in automotive development, it is the Start of Production (SOP) that is considered the most important milestone. But when it comes to cybersecurity (also in view of what associated regulations and standards require), cybersecurity plays a role for... read more →
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Fusa Cybersecurity

CySec, FuSa, TARA, HARA, ASIL … Functional safety vs. cybersecurity in the automotive industry

The automotive industry is dealing with the implementation of cybersecurity. New tasks and responsibilities are being established at the level of the organization, in divisions and departments, and at the project level. Suddenly, many different roles have to deal with cybersecurity. Often, specialists from the Functional Safety/ISO 26262 area are involved, and suddenly they have to deal with automotive cybersecurity... read more →
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build cybersecurity skills in automotive

Building cybersecurity skills in automotive development: A Guide.

Across the automotive value chain, the latest buzz is: The entire organization must relearn cybersecurity as part of its development work. How can this be achieved? New positions are being urgently advertised, recruitment agencies are working at full speed, and external service providers are being called in to do the job. New cross-divisional competence centers for cybersecurity are emerging everywhere.... read more →
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UN Regulation No 155 & how to comply? What you need to know

UN Regulation No 155: What You Need to Know about UN R155.

UN Regulation No. 155 is increasing the pressure on the automotive industry to address cybersecurity. The industry is taking action: New resources are being allocated to the topic, responsibilities are being assigned, and specialists are urgently sought everywhere. At present, their main task is to provide truly reliable answers. For example, on the question: What does UN Regulation No. 155... read more →
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Essential Guide

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations

Essential Guide

The Essential Guide to ISO/SAE 21434

How to manage the challenges of the new automotive cybersecurity standards and regulations